Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Because I want to be careful

Yesterday, I had my second mammogram ever. The first was in 2006 before my surgery. This time, I went on the recommendation of my fabulous OB/GYN, Yolanda McGriff. Dr. McGriff had mentioned to me before that my family history indicated that I should consider the testing for the breast cancer gene. The testing is very elaborate, and in order for insurance to cover it, I basically had to have a mammogram and meet with a surgeon to discuss my family history. This information will be documented as a true need for the testing, thus my insurance will cover the testing. Everything looked great on my scans, fyi. I have to go back in another day and have my blood drawn for the testing. Once I get the results, I can decide on my future actions.

More then likely, if I have the gene, the surgeon will recommend a bilateral mastectomy and replacement to drastically reduce my chances of developing breast cancer in the future. (Just to clarify, if I do not have the gene, I can still get cancer.) However, with the gene, I have a much greater likelihood of having breast cancer at some point in my life. The odds are like 55% to 77% or something. Dr. Baskin, the surgeon, said that based on my family history (three of my mother's sisters had breast cancer), I should already be doing yearly mammograms and if I have the gene, I also need an annual breast ultrasound. Wow! Isn't it crazy how far technology has come? So many lives could be saved if more people took these precautions like I am! Just something to think about...


Lindsay said...

I did the Same thing back in the spring! My mom passed away from it when I was 17. I got the exam and blood drawn and then ins. said they wouldn't cover it so never got results. Fingers crossed for you!

Dusty Brown said...

Are you serious? As a first generation possibility? I would try again! Or maybe it is because you weren't even 30 yet. I will let you know what they say about covering mine. Dr. Baskin said it was a max out of pocket costs of $375.

Dusty Brown said...

PS And yes, I thought about you when I wrote this. Sorry for your loss! Very unfair and heartbreaking.