Saturday, April 18, 2009

Back in the day when I was young...

Sometimes having kids makes you remember the small things that mattered growing up. Of course, just exactly which memories you have would depend on the decade, but for me, childhood memories that float to the surface include:
  • making homemade ice cream in the cylinder thing with rock salt, ice and the loud grinding sound
  • playing ghost in the graveyard or swinging statues with my sister and cousins
  • hosting slumber parties on a regular basis for a large crowd of girls
  • jumping on the trampoline
  • spending all day long at the King George pool
  • shooting hoops and playing a round of horse at home
  • Playing with our Glamour Gals
  • Watching The Little's, The Smurfs, Gilligan's Island reruns and the like
  • Friday Night Videos on the 13", turn-dial, black and white tv in our bedroom

When you read my list, you might notice that I've left off something that most people would have included right away. I have no reference at all to grandparents. As the youngest child of older parents, all of my grandparents had died by the time I was four years old. In all fairness, I did have a step grandmother, but it wasn't the same at all, as my mom's dad had died several years before I was even born.

I do not have the fond memories that other people have of spending the night at Mawmaw's house, Papa taking them fishing, helping them in a garden or so on. I can always remember other people talking about what they did with their grandparents that weekend or over the summer. It was never an issue while I was growing up. It just was what it was, if you may.

Now that I am Momma to Miles, 5, and Lola, nearly 3, I am extraordinarily thankful for the time that they get to spend with Mawmaw, PopPop, Memaw and Papaw. They have completely different experiences at the two places. My parents live on a farm in the country. (They haven't always lived there. In fact, as late as when Miles was born, they simply owned the land and planned to build a 'cabin' there.) Now they have gardens, occasional animals, two dogs (Lillie and Butch) and eight acres. On the other hand, Phillip's mom and dad live in a bustling area of Franklin. Their house is part of a retirement community, and though large, does not include a yard for ripping and running. It doesn't matter which set of parents they go to visit. Both spoil them just like a grandparent should.


Unknown said...

Psst, hey you! I'm looking to get accepted in the the Blogoholics group, won't you please put in a good word for me!

Jamie said...

I love that my kids have memories with my parents. It's more a part of me than my own memories. My parents live 600 miles away so anytime my girls see them it is really special and memorable.

They don't really know my husbands parents even though they live closer to us, because there is a lot of dysfunction (will share in a future blog post) and we haven't really wanted the girls involved in the drama.