Saturday was Milesy's birthday and her party, as well. The party went wonderfully.

Here she is at age two and a half, cheesing for the camera in Aunt Dink-Dink's condo before we heading to the outlet mall in Destin. It is so hard to believe my baby is now five!!
The party had a Little Einsteins theme with awesome pizza, little baggies of chips and beautiful, delicious cupcakes! We also had ice cream...but I forgot it at home. We, I didn't exactly forget the ice cream cups. I intentionally left them in the freezer since we live about 60 seconds from Barfied Park...but then I forgot to send someone to the house to get them until it was too late!

Gunnar, giving it his best shot, as admired by Lola, Skylar, Miles and Savannah
We had plenty of little friends in attendance, which means we had their parents for us to visit with. It was great to see Mrs. Thang, herself, Sarah Scott! Thomas is growing like a weed. Mrs. Sarah and Thomas brought Miles a new art easel, which is fabulous considering that the one she got for Christmas ending up getting knocked over, thus it lost a leg. The generosity of people is a welcome reminder that people care about your children, not that I am saying they have to show it through gifts. I am just pointing out that every child brought something just perfectly picked for Miles, which is nice, b/c their parents could have grabbed some random toy and wrapped it up. Instead, everyone seemed to spend time picking out a special present. Miles was so overwhelmed by her friends. She seemed to include everyone in the fun, which was wonderful, as well. Seeing all of the other parents was great, too, but I do get more of an opportunity to see some of them regularly than Sarah. I was also excited to hear that Sarah and her hubby have decided not to build a new house in north Murfreesboro, b/c they are much closer to us if they stay right where they are. I am also glad that I only ordered 8 pizzas from Pizza Hut, because we still had an entire pizza left over. Mrs. Mandy Candy Kelly, aka Mrs. Mandy, bought Miles a pinata, brought it over one afternoon this week and filled it with a ridiculous amount of candy. We normally have a pinata, but it was so special that Mrs. Mandy picked one up not realizing that little fact. It was a donkey, but Miles really thought it was a unicorn.
Today (Sunday) was extremely lazy for me as I was the sickest I've been this week with my cold. Tomorrow, Phillip is taking my car in b/c the air has mysteriously stopped blowing. Tuesday, Phil and I plan to have lunch at Puleo's while my parents watch the girls. I love Puleo's, so I am happy about our little lunch date. Then it will be back to work for him on Wednesday...the beginning of a busy season for him at work. DRATS, I'll miss him!
I also can't forget to take a moment to show my appreciation for Phil. I would like to thank my husband for the bang-'em-up job he did on our patio today. He drug the grill, the table, toys and such out into the grass and cleaned our patio off really well! Thanks, baby! (Why did that sound like I was accepting a Soap Opera award for best supporting actress?)
Glad Phil took some time off and that the party was so successful.
I hate that we missed it! But I'm glad it went so well! Your girls are getting so big!
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